Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

6’ Christmas Trees for as little as $30!!! to Help Raise Funds for Blessed Sacrament School

See below for what is available for purchase.

Our Christmas Sale beings Wednesday, November 2 and ends on Wednesday, November 30th.

Christmas trees will be delivered to Blessed Sacrament School in Hollywood, CA on Saturday, December 10th & will be available for pick up between 12noon – 3pm in the school parking lot.

Please contact me if you have any questions & would like to order one.


Monday, November 7, 2011

#OpEleanor Day 4

I'm going to start bring lunch to work because I sat & figured out my food ordering expenses this past weekend (that was #OpEleanor 2 & 3) it looks like I spend well over $400 a month (HOLY SHIT that's a lot of money I could be spending on shoes & makeup saving) on not cooking and/or not bring my lunch to work. Soooo I made spaghetti (yes, it's simple & fast & FUCK YOU if you think it's lazy because YOU are not coming to MY house to cook for me) to bring into work today...problem was that I woke up late & didn't have time to scoop up some of it & put it in a work container so I did the next best thing & brought the whole tub of it to work. Turns out @undercovermama forgot her luncheon & we shared! Woot!

I'm planning to cook again today, but I have a PTO meeting that may last longer that I wish it would...

Friday, November 4, 2011


Yes, I know, I'm late...but I'm a procrastinator at heart.
Day 1: I hate anything that has to do with housework, this includes cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes & staying home. Today is the man's bday...he's getting a home cooked meal (steak, shrimp, green beans, mashed potatoes). Why is this a big deal, you ask??? Because I'm mad at him right now...He specifically is going to go out & do something I don't agree with...which brings me to my bigger challenge for today. Operation Eleanor Day 1: I am not going to kill them man on his birthday.