Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree

6’ Christmas Trees for as little as $30!!! to Help Raise Funds for Blessed Sacrament School

See below for what is available for purchase.

Our Christmas Sale beings Wednesday, November 2 and ends on Wednesday, November 30th.

Christmas trees will be delivered to Blessed Sacrament School in Hollywood, CA on Saturday, December 10th & will be available for pick up between 12noon – 3pm in the school parking lot.

Please contact me if you have any questions & would like to order one.


Monday, November 7, 2011

#OpEleanor Day 4

I'm going to start bring lunch to work because I sat & figured out my food ordering expenses this past weekend (that was #OpEleanor 2 & 3) it looks like I spend well over $400 a month (HOLY SHIT that's a lot of money I could be spending on shoes & makeup saving) on not cooking and/or not bring my lunch to work. Soooo I made spaghetti (yes, it's simple & fast & FUCK YOU if you think it's lazy because YOU are not coming to MY house to cook for me) to bring into work today...problem was that I woke up late & didn't have time to scoop up some of it & put it in a work container so I did the next best thing & brought the whole tub of it to work. Turns out @undercovermama forgot her luncheon & we shared! Woot!

I'm planning to cook again today, but I have a PTO meeting that may last longer that I wish it would...

Friday, November 4, 2011


Yes, I know, I'm late...but I'm a procrastinator at heart.
Day 1: I hate anything that has to do with housework, this includes cooking, cleaning, laundry, dishes & staying home. Today is the man's bday...he's getting a home cooked meal (steak, shrimp, green beans, mashed potatoes). Why is this a big deal, you ask??? Because I'm mad at him right now...He specifically is going to go out & do something I don't agree with...which brings me to my bigger challenge for today. Operation Eleanor Day 1: I am not going to kill them man on his birthday.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I'd really like to feel sorry for my friend who just got caught cheating on his wife, but I can't...

His wife found out b/c his dumbass took pics with the broad & downloaded them to his laptop & tried to "trash" them...but hey you should've cleared that too. (I swear are men ever going to learn to TAKE OUT the trash without being reminded???)

So she found out then went on his FB group page where ALL of his past co-workers are planning a reunion and posted this:

(names have been changed to protect the innocent and/or my friend, the cheater)

...I found out that Jerry has been cheating on me with this fat stumpy blonde stub...I know (whatever!!!) I will not be attending the event...but hey you might meet a new friend....she's a" little round and a bit stalky"...but hey....he ain't no winner either!!! Have a blast It's been a good 20 yrs!!....Love you alll!!!

and now *everyone* who's read it is calling him up asking WTF???? Dude, seriously??? After SEVEN kids and 20+ years of marriage!!??!! and also to point & laugh...because after all if he weren't my friend I'd be doing this...